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Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Change In The Weather . . .

After several weeks of blue skies and spring sunshine it feels intensely gloomy today. Usually a change in the weather in a story prefigures a plot or character development of some kind or another, but in reality it makes little difference to people. Except . . . I do feel a bit miserable today, for no good reason.

Today was a teaching day. Not a writing day. Or a cleaning day. This afternoon, we made circuits to power a motor attached to a chassis (previously constructed of wood) and connected to an axle. They worked, but were tricky to connect. One girl asked me to do hers.
'No,' I said, 'but I'll show you how to do it.'
She shrugged and walked away. Clearly, I hadn't given the answer she was looking for. Three minutes later I looked round to see she'd persuaded another pupil to connect her circuit to the chassis. Oh well . . .

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